/manager/Index en-au 5 Rare earth elements (REE) for the removal and recovery of phosphorus: A review /manager/Repository/uon:46637 Wed 28 Feb 2024 14:49:30 AEDT ]]> Phosphorus-cadmium interactions in paddy soils /manager/Repository/uon:29971 Wed 28 Aug 2024 12:11:09 AEST ]]> Phosphorus adsorption onto an enriched biochar substrate in constructed wetlands treating wastewater /manager/Repository/uon:35624 Wed 27 Sep 2023 15:37:41 AEST ]]> Phosphine adsorption and dissociation on the Si(001) surface: an ab initio survey of structures /manager/Repository/uon:601 Wed 11 Sep 2024 15:44:41 AEST ]]> Phosphorus recovery from waste streams using adsorbents /manager/Repository/uon:30041 Wed 11 Apr 2018 15:12:38 AEST ]]> Single P and As dopants in the Si(001) surface /manager/Repository/uon:3288 Wed 11 Apr 2018 13:40:06 AEST ]]> Sorption, kinetics and thermodynamics of phosphate sorption onto soybean stover derived biochar /manager/Repository/uon:32890 m) values were 90.90 and 75.75 mg/g at pH 5.5 and 8.5, respectively while the Freundlich equilibrium constant (Kf) values were 4.67 and 4.36 mg/g at pH 5.5 and 8.5, respectively. The rate of adsorption confirmed to follow pseudo-second order kinetics with a better correlation. The thermodynamic parameters predicted that the adsorption process is an endothermic and spontaneous process.]]> Wed 08 Aug 2018 09:51:25 AEST ]]> Swedish food system transformations: Rethinking biogas transport logistics to adapt to localized agriculture /manager/Repository/uon:48941 Wed 07 Feb 2024 14:52:31 AEDT ]]> Domestic effluent management using on-site sand mounds /manager/Repository/uon:8960 Sat 24 Mar 2018 08:37:08 AEDT ]]> Peak phosphorus: its existence and the way we treat our wastewater streams /manager/Repository/uon:17147 Sat 24 Mar 2018 07:55:07 AEDT ]]> Performance evaluation of a small domestic sand filter /manager/Repository/uon:5950 Sat 24 Mar 2018 07:46:23 AEDT ]]> Onsite wastewater treatment using sand mounds near Port Stephens, NSW /manager/Repository/uon:6168 Sat 24 Mar 2018 07:44:38 AEDT ]]> Rainfall induced chemical transport from soil to runoff: theory and experiments /manager/Repository/uon:3177 0.90). The model's sensitivity to various physical and chemical parameters illuminated the importance of both raindrop controlled processes and diffusion on chemical transport from soil to surface runoff.]]> Sat 24 Mar 2018 07:18:11 AEDT ]]> Study on the adsorption of nitrogen and phosphorus from biogas slurry by NaCl-modified zeolite /manager/Repository/uon:32673 Mon 23 Sep 2019 10:54:07 AEST ]]> Back to basic slags as a phosphorus source and liming material /manager/Repository/uon:43027 3), fly ash (FA), unreacted lime (CaO) and portlandite (Ca[OH]2) or calcite (CaCO3). Chemical and mineralogical composition, leachate chemistry and textural properties of basic slags are helpful for understanding their nature and assessing their impacts on the environment. The characterization of various slags can be analyzed by different instrumental methods. Inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry and optical emission spectrometry (ICP-MS/OES) are the most commonly analytical techniques for chemical composition, and X-ray diffractometry (XRD) is used to provide further information on types of minerals and their phases. Additionally, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and electron probe microanalysis (EPMA) could be auxiliary to analyze some specific samples, which are not easily identified or quantified by XRD. Some slags have been commercialized to be the source of nutrients and soil amendments, with the major nutrients including P, S, Ca, Mg and silicon (Si). Slags from steel industry are rich in Ca and Mg, which are beneficial to deficient soils. Slags from coal combustion are a good source of sulfur, while the presence of calcium in the form of lime and gypsum helps to mitigate the soil acidity and improves soil structure. However, they also possibly contain toxic metal contaminants, such as chromium (Cr) and vanadium (V). There have been some concerns about the toxic effects of slag materials on farm animals. Slag poisoning of animals can be avoided or minimized by increasing the dissolution of slag through soil incorporation and by avoiding overgrazing of slag treated paddocks.]]> Mon 12 Sep 2022 11:14:42 AEST ]]> Segregation of a Phosphorus Rich Phase During Differential Solidification of BOF Slag /manager/Repository/uon:49782 Fri 02 Jun 2023 17:28:43 AEST ]]> Microwave flash synthesis of phosphorus and sulphur ultradoped graphene /manager/Repository/uon:53508 Fri 01 Dec 2023 10:44:39 AEDT ]]>